Thursday, September 10, 2009

Midterm Study Image 2009/5 Shabti

Egypt, Shabti with Coffin, 19th-20th Dynasty, (c. 1307-1070 BCE. faience, 7cm.

Faience was known in Mesopotamia, Near East and Egypt to make beads and other luxury goods. Faience was an easily worked using molds and could be used to copy soapstone (in short supply), semi-precious stones and metals. Quartz pebbles were ground, mixed with alkali, molded and fired to resemble gems. Minerals added included copper (turquoise), cobalt (lapis lazuli). The alkali salts in the material caused the minerals to migrate to the surface, producing a "self-glazing" colored material. Sometimes clay was added to enhance plasticity, but rarely in Egypt. Ushabtis were placed in tombs as "helpers."--often with sickles to cut grain, perform duties for dead pharaoh. Other common uses for faience included votive objects for Goddess Hathor--chalices, lotus motif.
Please note: this image is out of sequential order--I decided on it a bit later and can not seem to insert it into its proper place. It should be pretty easy to figure out!

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